
Unique Craft Business of Bottle Used

Kamis, 21 Juni 2012

Unique Craft Business of Bottle Used

Unique Craft Business of Bottle Used

To address the waste that much harder, so we invite you to see some handicrafts made ​​from bottles. Of bottles that are not valued, it can be produced many beautiful handicraft products of high value.

Armed with creativity and foresight to see business opportunities, old bottles are usually only a place to accumulate junk successfully created a unique range of handmade products with high economic value.

Place Coconut Candy Shell

Unique Samll Business - Place Coconut Candy Shell

Unique Samll Business - Place Coconut Candy Shell

Place Coconut Candy Shell 

Chewing unique place with the main ingredients of coconut shell. Is great for serving candies or small foods for your guests. Not only unique but also natural and can make our inspiration for small business.

Bolster Pillow Unique

Rabu, 20 Juni 2012

 Unique Small Business - Bolster Pillow Unique

Unique Small Business - Bolster Pillow Unique 

Bolster Pillow Unique

Break activities would not be separated from the name of convenience. It is necessary for mattresses, pillows and bolsters are used to accompany our rest. Sometimes we just need a comfortable pillow to rest our heads. Unique cushion itself can be developed from the basic shape of a box or pillow form bolster pillow. From these basic shapes can be decorated or modified so that it has an artistic and interesting shapes. To use a unique pillow can be applied as an ornamental sofa, bedroom decoration and others.
This image is an inspiration that made ​​not merely for the purpose of comfort while you rest, but also have a business opportunity.

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